Mathematical Mantras in Toki Pona

^z 3rd November 2024 at 8:02am


wan en tu la mute
wan en tu la mute
→ in the context of 1 and 2, many

Set Theory

ijo en ijo la kulupu
ijo en ijo la kulupu
→ in the context of objects, collections

Boolean Algebra

lon en ala la tan
lon en ala la tan
→ in the context of true and false, implication


tenpo en ma la ante
tenpo en ma la ante
→ in the context of time and space, change


open en pini la insa
open en pini la insa
→ in the context of openness and closure, interiors

Differential Geometry

sijelo la selo
sijelo la selo
→ in the context of a body, a boundary

Category Theory

nasin la nasin nasin
nasin la nasin nasin
→ in the context of ways, ways of ways

(cf Mathematical Magic (2001-09-27), Ultimate Abstraction (2017-08-24), Why Care about Category Theory (2019-03-03), ...) - ^z - 2024-11-03